Student Solution


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Worksheet on Mark 9-16

Worksheet on Mark 9-16

Q 1. In Mark ch 9 and ch 10, Jesus makes predictions of his sufferings, the disciples misunderstand, and Jesus makes invitations to true discipleship. Identify passages that speak of this: 2. What is Jesus’ attitude towards paying taxes to the Roman government? 3. What event is Jesus describing in Mark 13:31-37? Explain. 4. Identify three different occasions where Peter appears in chs 9-16 in Mark and describe how he is portrayed. 5. What role did the following people have in the crucifixion of Jesus?

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a. Predictions of Suffering: Mark 9:9 describes about suffering of Jesus Christ on the Holy Cross which was to take place in the future. This is because Jesus talks about rising from His death to the disciples. Jesus instructs His disciples to publicly reveal everything witnessed by them on the mountain only after His resurrection. Mark 9:31 is another example in which there is description of Jesus being killed after being handed over to human beings. Mark 10:33-34 is another example in which there is prediction made by Jesus about the ways in which there would have to be suffering tolerated by Jesus along with resurrecting from His torturous death.